Diva Sanitary Napkins
Diva is the Congolese booming brand of sanitary napkins. Within a couple of years, Diva has taken over the market of sanitary napkins, offerings ladies a maximum protection at an affordable price. Scented with Aloe Vera !
Yahoo exercise books
In DRC, Yahoo ! is a synonym for back to school. Generations of kids have studied with Yahoo exercise books.
Nelson blades
All hairdressers of DRC are using Nelson. It would certainly not be ranking first in Western or Asian countries. But in DRC, the blade is the undisputed number one because it is perfectly suited for the black hair.
Apollo Bulbs
Apollo bulbs is the leading brand of bulbs in DRC. First and foremost, Apollo bulbs have built their reputation on their longer life. Apollo bulbs has also paved the way to the energy saving bulbs category in DRC.
Clic pens
Recently launched on the market, Clic pens cater to the needs of the Congolese students that need a strong and resistant ball pen at the right price. No doubt that Clic pens’ quality will convince generations of students !
Roni pastas
Roni spaghetti is a fast growing brand in the competitive world of pastas where differentiation is hard. A reliable quality is driving the brand to bigger market share every year.
Mayonnaise Mayo
Mayonnaise Mayo is the leader on the mayonnaise market. Its flavoured taste made in Belgium makes it the tastier mayonnaise on the market. In summary : more eggs in the recipe, more taste, sustained quality.
Super Apollo Tomato Paste
In terms of brand equity and consumer top of mind, no brand compares with Tomate Super Apollo. Generations of Congolese have used the Super Apollo brand in their recipes. The one and only tomato paste for Congolese !
Top Sel
Top Sel is a monosodium glutamate commonly used by the Congolese to add spice in their local dishes. Available in 450g and 3g sachets, Top Sel goes together with Top Magique cubes and tablets on the spice tables.
Top magique
Year after year, Top Magique is pushing aside the old market leader of the cubes and tablets flavourings. A unique formulation combined has quickly convinced the Congolese ladies that Top Magique was the obvious solution for the cooking of their favorite dishes.